Employability Enhancement Hub


“You can”

Abilities or competences, learned developed through practice. These have to be practices, because they can be forgotten with time. Skills are what you can do.

Apply discipline knowledge and concepts
The extent to which one is able to use theoretical knowledge in a real-life situation. Employers are seeking workers who not only have appropriate education level, but who are also able to use theory to generate benefits or revenue for the organisation.

The ability to interact in intellectual debate, to discuss issues with peers/supervisors, to argue a point clearly and confidently, and to write persuasively, whether an email, a report or a marketing material.
People with high communication skills express themselves in a way relevant to their intended audience and also adopt appropriate body language.

Information Literacy
The ability to recognize when information is needed and in what extent it is needed, and the ability to locate, critically evaluate, effectively use and clearly communicate the information. It involves understanding of underlying ethical and legal issues of accessing, collecting and using information.
Literacy consist of abilities to read, write, listen and speak so that one can make sense of the surrounding world and communicate with it effectively.
Usually literacy focuses just on being able to read and write (upper and lowercase letters, handwritten and typed text).
Negotiation and Persuasion
Negotiation skills are skills of bargaining, of communicating one’s views to the other side in order to achieve a win-win situation through reasonable arguments. The other side may be client, potential customer, boss, colleague or help-desk worker. It means getting what you want by the best possible means.
Planning and Research
Ability to identify and conduct research on a specific solution. The result should be a suitable strategy plan. This requires familiarity with business data, knowledge of various methodologies, and predicting, analysing and interpreting the information.
Presentation Skills
Presentation skill is a capability of speaking to a certain audience in a professional environment. Presentation skills reflect in negotiation, job interview, when introducing people, giving instructions, selling to clients, presenting figures or leading a formal presentation. Effectiveness of a worker can be judged on these skills.

The ability to work within a group of people, as a team, and with other groups as well. Shows commitment to mutually support each other and to take actions together. The capability to work efficiently with people from different background and of different expertise. Recognize impact assigned task has on work of team-mates.

Commercial Awareness
Awareness of field in which business operates, its inner operations and its external stakeholders, of basic business concepts and how businesses work. It is also understanding of clients’ or customers’ interests, and financial aspects of business. Commercially aware personnel keep track of latest trends and shifts in their field of work and those related to it.
ICT Literacy
The ability to use computers and other digital technologies in daily life. One can use internet browser to look for information, communicate by email. Can save files, locate them, re-locate them, print documents, log on software. Has understanding of basic ethical principles concerning working on computer and accessing information.
Leadership Skills
A process involving influencing group of people towards a common goal. An individual is able to gain trust and loyalty of group members without relying on a formal position, and motivates them to put maximum effort into their jobs. Leaders are capable of overcoming people’s natural resistance to change.
Management Skills
The ability to coordinate activities to achieve results or meet set objectives. Management consists of planning, organizing and controlling. Products of management are solutions, which keeps things and people working efficiently and productively, and decisions compatible with the company strategy.
The ability to understand and work with numbers and their relationships. Numerate person is confident with percentages, statistics, graphs, numerical tables and basic mathematical concepts, and is able to apply them in daily life. Also involves the ability to express oneself in quantitative terms where appropriate.
Practical Skills
These are things accomplished by using hand, either directly (tying a knot) or indirectly, using equipment (turning on nuclear reactor). One with practical skills uses equipment, tools and technology effectively and is able to follow instructions. Does not destroy property due to ignorance.
Self - management
Self-management is an overlaying ability to manage oneself. Self-managed people have high self-control and actively seek to develop their skills in order to be more productive. It is about how people manage to balance their personal and professional lives.
Visual Literacy

Visual literacy is the ability to comprehend and accurately interpret images and similar visual materials (symbols, abstract design, spatial and geometrical models), as well as create such images or materials. It consists of finding or creating required visuals and appraising their quality.