Employability Enhancement Hub

Demonstrate your Employability

Your 3D Employability Road Map helps you think about the skills you need to acquire, or develop to successfully complete it. You use your employability audit to indicated the level of ability you have and record the experience you gained through your course, work and extra-curricular activities. In this last step, you uncover what you’ve learned from these experiences and demonstrate them in a skills-based CV that would be attractive to an employer.

Check out how you can evidence employability skills on your CV or during an interview.


Apply discipline, knowledge and concepts

“Ability to grasp new ideas and integrate them into desired results”

“Organized, goal oriented”

Think about the projects you have undertaken in University or any projects you have developed during volunteering or paid work.

“Excellent written and verbal communication skills”

Use examples of excellence of written assignments and StAR experience, presentations made for assignments and during events (e.g. Bright Futures society opening speech).

Information Literacy

“Proficient in using technology to enhance data and information management”

You can showcase this during team activities in an assessment. Make sure you read through any materials given carefully.


You can evidence your literacy in all parts of the recruitment process by showing a full understanding of what is said and responding clearly to all questions.

Negotiation and Persuasion
“I was a part of a team and led the change of course when the project was getting off track” Show that you have been able to change someone’s mind towards a better option.
Planning and research
“During my final year at University I developed my dissertation on the topic… and was awarded an A” Your University work will be the best way to showcase your research and planning skills. This can be enhanced if you mention that alongside you have also worked and/or volunteered.
Presentation skills
“During my time in University (or during and Internship) presented in front of … people on the topic of …” Think of any projects that you have completed and which have required you to present.
Team work

“Thrive in a team environment and work well with others”

“Enjoy working as a team member as well as independently”

During interviews use the STAR technique to outline team work that you have completed as part of University work, as a part of societies, as part of work experience.

Commercial Awareness
Expect questions which concern the current developments in the field that you are applying for. Showcase your commercial awareness by demonstrating your knowledge on the recent developments within the field of the company. You can inform yourself on those on the company’s website and the various news outlets.
ICT Literacy

“Up-to-date with changes in technology and the business implications/applications of new technologies”

“Proficient in using technology to enhance data and information management”

If possible check what software the company uses and make sure to mention it. Some indication could be found in the job specification.


“Able to lead others in high-demand situations”

“Delegating tasks or responsibilities”

“Proven leadership and organizational abilities”

Be careful not to come across as overly confident. Do not be afraid to let other people take the lead as long as you provide assistance and direction to the discussion.

Management skills

“I am a Student Academic Representative for my degree and provide feedback to management which I receive from other students”

Management skills can be evidenced through any positions that you have held. Those can be voluntary or during work. They can also be any roles within clubs or societies that you have been appointed to.

You can showcase you numeracy during psychometric tests which are designed to examine it.
Practical skills

“Making layouts for printed media or public displays”

“Operating equipment, machines, or vehicles”

“Programming equipment”

“Repairing equipment, vehicles”

Self – Management
“Self-starter; can be depended on to complete a task under minimal supervision” This can come through when you are talking about your education and that you have completed all assignments early.
Visual Literacy

There are special psychometric tests designed to test your visual literacy.
You can also demonstrate those during an assessment center if your team activity or written assessment contain any graphs.

Behaviours and Values

Present a strong, professional image which commands the respect of others. Be careful not to come out as overly confident and always back your statements with examples in order to reinforce your image.
Dealing with conflict

“During one of my projects one member of the team seemed disconcerted with the topic and gave no contribution to the work. I spoke with the person and found that we had placed them in a role which they do not find interesting.”
Be careful when speaking about superiors in relation to this topic. You can mention it but be careful not to seem like you are complaining.

Listening and questioning
“Active listener” This is another trait that you can showcase during the entire span of the recruitment process. Make sure you completely understand the questions asked and if anything is not clear don’t be afraid to ask a question.
Office Etiquette
Office Etiquette or Office Manners is about conducting yourself respectfully and courteously in the office or workplace. You can demonstrate it during you interview by always being respectful and courteous.
Quality Control
“Reviewed the final outcomes of a project concerning … and reported its completion to the team”
Time Management

“Organizing events as part of a society”
Your time management can also be showcased if you decide to be the time keeper during a team assessment.
Being on time is also a way to show it.

Contributing to discussions
Showcase your contributions during team based activities. In addition make sure people who have not spoken are given the opportunity as this is also seen as a contribution towards the group.
Global Mindset

Your mindset can come through during any interaction with your future employers. You should display an openness towards new ideas during team assessments.


Your networking can be shown during a lunch break of the assessment day. Make sure you speak to a range of people and interact with as many managers as possible.

Problem Solving

“Dynamic, results-oriented problem solver”

“Skilled at evaluating options and generating solutions”

Give examples of problems that you have solved yourself. That way you also come across as innovative.
Strong work ethic

Your work ethic is not something that you can explain. It comes across while you are talking about previous work that you have done and any projects in which you have been involved.
Make sure to show your passion for the things you have accomplished.


Ability to use own initiative
“Creating new ideas, new ways of doing things” Think of any processes that you have helped change.
Critical and analytical thinking
“Investigating information, underlying causes, or sequence of events” Use any choices you have had to make in order to show that you can evaluate the choices and make a clear decision.
Detail Oriented

Think of examples when you have finished a project to perfection and have received a distinction for it.
You can also use University work on which you have received very high grades.

Focus on any changes that you have brought about. Those can be slight adjustments to processes, but what is important is that you show that there has been appreciation of your innovation from people around you.
Perseverance and motivation

“Self-starter, who applies individual initiative to get the job done”

“Excellent personal motivation with a proven ability to build and work collaboratively in a strong team concept environment, and independently”

Working under pressure

“Able to coordinate several tasks simultaneously”

“Remains calm in stressful situations”

You can also use your University work, especially if you work and/or volunteer along with your studies.

“Able to handle challenges, with proven history of increased productivity”
Show that you can adjust from University life to work life. Make use of any changes in your life that have required you to be adaptable.

Decision Making
“Well developed skills in prioritizing, organization, decision making, time management, and verbal/written communication skills” Your decision making can be evidenced with an example of why you chose to study in your field and in your University.
Have you ever developed a business idea which you have brought to practice? Also think of the first year modules where you develop a business within your team.
Interpersonal skills
“Strong interpersonal skills resulting in exceptional rapport with people. Proven success in initiating, promoting and maintaining strong interpersonal relations. Able to deal courteously, professionally, and tactfully with the general public in a variety of circumstances”
Service orientation

“Selling ideas, products”

“Serving a product or individual”

“Fully committed to providing the highest possible standards of customer service and support”